From tidal waves into MOTHER’S LAP

‘This child is the coolness of my eyes and yours; do not kill him, perhaps he may benefit us, or we may adopt him as a son.’ And they were unaware.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 20, Surah Al-Qasas, Ayah 9)
This whole incident has been mentioned in the Glorious Quran, Surah Taahaa in the following way:
When We inspired your mother with whatever was to be inspired. That, ‘Put this child (Musa) into a trunk and cast it into the river, so the river shall cast it on the bank’; that there My enemy and his enemy; (i.e. Fir’ awn) shall pick him up. And I honoured you with love from Me; and in order that you may be brought up in My sight (i e. in My protection). [Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)J (Part 16, Surah Taahaa, Ayah 38-39)
As Sayyiduna Musa was still an infant, a search began for a woman who could suckle him, but he did not take the milk from anyone. On the other side, the mother of Sayyiduna Musa was extremely worried thinking where and under what state her baby would be. In this state of depression, she sent the sister of Sayyiduna Musa , Maryam to the palace of pharaoh in the pursuit of information. When Maryam witnessed that the child is not taking milk from any woman, she said to pharaoh that I will bring a woman. Perhaps he will start taking the milk from her. Therefore, Maryam brought the mother of Sayyiduna Musa to the palace of pharaoh. When she held Sayyiduna Musa to her chest out of extreme love and tried to feed him, he started taking the milk. This way, the mother of Sayyiduna Musa found her lost beloved son. This event has been mentioned in Surah Al-Qasas of the Holy Quran in the following way:
And in the morning, the heart of Musa’s mother became anxious, and it was near that she would have certainly given away his (true) state, had We not strengthened her heart, so that she may have faith in Our promise. And his mother said to his sister, ‘Follow him,’ she therefore remained observing him from far, and they were unaware. And We had already forbidden all foster-mothers for him, so she said, ‘Shall I inform you of such a family that will nurse this child of yours, and they are his well-wishers?’ So We returned him to his mother in order to cool her eyes and not grieve, and to know that Allah’s promise is true, but most people know not.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 20, Surah Al-Qasas, Ayah 10-13)
Name of Sayyiduna Musa’s mother
The name of the mother of Sayyiduna Musa is ‘Yuhaaniz’, his father’s name is ‘Imran’ and his sister’s name is ‘Maryam’. But keep in mind that this Maryam is not the Maryam who was the mother of Sayyiduna ‘Isa Maryam the mother of Sayyiduna ‘Isa was born several centuries after the sister of Sayyiduna Musa ۔ (Saawi, vol. 3, pp. 45-46)
1. The moral lesson that we learn from this event is that whenever the grace of Allah descends, He gets such things done by enemies that even friends cannot accomplish. You can see that pharaoh was the biggest enemy of Sayyiduna Musa ‘ but Musa was brought up in his palace.
2. We have also come to know that whenever Allah protects someone; no one can harm him. Just ponder over how Allah made a safe and sound retrieval of Sayyiduna Musa to his mother.