Sayyiduna Ilyas

In those days, a king named ‘Arjab’ ruled the city of Ba’labak, and had forced the whole nation to worship idols. The biggest idol of this nation was Ba’l, which was made up of gold. It was twenty yards tall and had four faces. Four hundred servants used to serve this idol and were regarded as his sons by the whole nation. The voice of Satan used to come out from this idol which would entice the people towards idol-worshipping and polytheism. In this poor environment, Sayyiduna Ilyas started preaching Tawheed (monotheism) and the worship of Allah to these people. However, these people did not embrace faith unto him. On the contrary, ‘Arjab’ the king of the city, became bloody enemy of Sayyiduna Ilyas and planned to assassinate him. Therefore, Sayyiduna Ilyas migrated from the city, and hid in the caves and mountain peaks. He passed seven years in this terrible state and lived on wild grass, flowers and fruit.
The king had appointed many spies to arrest Sayyiduna Ilyas . When he had reached the peak of these difficulties, he then supplicated in these words, ‘O Allah ! Provide me relief from these tyrants and bestow me with peace.’ Subsequently, the Divine revelation descended upon him advising him, ‘Move to such and such a place on such and such a day and avail the ride that you find there without any fear.’ Therefore, he reached the mentioned place on the defined day and found a red horse standing there. When he mounted the horse and it began to move, he heard his cousin, Sayyiduna Yasa’ asking him, ‘What should I do now?’ Sayyiduna Ilyas laid his blanket onto him. This was a sign that I have appointed you as my deputy for the guidance of Bani Israel. Afterwards, Allah took Sayyiduna Ilyas away from the sight of the people and relieved him from the requirement of eating and drinking. Then Allah included him within the angel beings. Furthermore, Sayyiduna Yasa’ assumed the religious duty of guiding the people with great courage and determination. Therefore, Allah supported him on each and every step. The people of Bani Israel embraced faith unto him and remained steadfast upon their faith until the demise of Sayyiduna Yasa’
The miracles exhibited by Sayyiduna Ilyas
Allah bestowed him with dominance over all mountains and animate beings, and with strength equivalent to that of seventy Ambiya. Allah made him equivalent to Sayyiduna Musa in power and influence. It is mentioned in other reports that Sayyiduna Ilyas and Sayyiduna Khidr observe fasts each year in Bayt-ul-Muqaddas and visit Makkah Mukarramah every year for Hajj. In the remaining days of the year, Sayyiduna Ilyas keeps on travelling across the jungles and the plainsj whereas Sayyiduna Khidr travels across the rivers and the oceans. The demise of both will occur in the last era, when the Holy Quran will be withdrawn.
There is a Hadees reported by Sayyiduna Anas that: Once we were along with the Holy Rasool during a Jihad and on the way, a voice was heard saying, ‘O Allah( ! Make me amongst the Ummah of Muhammad which is indeed a blessed Ummah and whose Du’as are accepted!’ The Beloved and Blessed Rasool said to me, ‘O Anas! Find out about this voice.’ Therefore, I entered the mountain and all of a sudden, I saw a man who was dressed in extremely white clothes and was bearing a long beard. When he saw me, he asked, ‘Are you the companion of the Holy Rasool ?’ I replied in affirmation. Then he said, ‘Go and pay my Salam to the Holy Rasool and tell him that your brother Ilyas ( wishes to meet you.’
As such, I came back and narrated the entire incident to the Beloved Rasool . He took me along with him and left to meet Sayyiduna Ilyas When the Holy Rasool reached close to Sayyiduna Ilyas , I then moved back. Both of these blessed personalities conversed for a long time, and meanwhile an eating mat descended from the heavens. The Holy Rasool called me and I dined with these two blessed individuals. When we had finished our meal, a cloud appeared from the skies and lifted Sayyiduna Ilyas towards the sky, and I kept on looking at his white clothes.
([afseer As-Saawi, vol. 5, pp. 1749; part 23, Surah As-Saffaat Ayah 124)
Sayyiduna Ilyas and the Holy Quran
In the Holy Quran, Sayyiduna Ilyas has been mentioned in two places: Surah Al-An’aam and Surah As-Saffaat. In Surah Al-An’aam, he has only been mentioned in the list of Ambiya In Surah As-Saffaat, the declaration regarding his Prophethood and his teachings to his people has been mentioned briefly. Therefore, it is mentioned in Sur ah Al-An’ aam:
Rasool ?’ I replied in affirmation. Then he said, ‘Go and pay my Salam to the Holy Rasool and tell him that your brother Ilyas ( wishes to meet you.’
As such, I came back and narrated the entire incident to the Beloved Rasool . He took me along with him and left to meet Sayyiduna Ilyas When the Holy Rasool reached close to Sayyiduna Ilyas , I then moved back. Both of these blessed personalities conversed for a long time, and meanwhile an eating mat descended from the heavens. The Holy Rasool called me and I dined with these two blessed individuals. When we had finished our meal, a cloud appeared from the skies and lifted Sayyiduna Ilyas towards the sky, and I kept on looking at his white clothes.
([afseer As-Saawi, vol. 5, pp. 1749; part 23, Surah As-Saffaat Ayah 124)
Sayyiduna Ilyas and the Holy Quran
In the Holy Quran, Sayyiduna Ilyas has been mentioned in two places: Surah Al-An’aam and Surah As-Saffaat. In Surah Al-An’aam, he has only been mentioned in the list of Ambiya In Surah As-Saffaat, the declaration regarding his Prophethood and his teachings to his people has been mentioned briefly. Therefore, it is mentioned in Sur ah Al-An’ aam:
And indeed Ilyas is of the Messengers. When he said to his nation, ‘Do you not fear? Do you worship Ba’l (name of an idol) and leave the Best Creator? Allah, Who is your Lord and the Lord of your former forefathers.’ Thereafter they belied him, so they will definitely be seized. Except the chosen bondsmen of Allah. And We kept his praise among the latter generations. Peace be upon Ilyas. This is how We reward the virtuous. He is indeed one of Our high ranking, entirely-believing bondsmen.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 23, Surah As-Saffaat, Ayah 123-132)
Even though the parable of Sayyiduna Ilyas and his people is mentioned very briefly in the Holy Quran, we learnt that the mentality of Jews was so badly warped that there was no evil deed that they did not intend to commit. Although many Ambiya were sent for their guidance, even then they did not refrain from the worship of idols, stars and those other than Allah.
Moreover, these people were notoriously deceitful. They would break their promises and were involved in bribery. It was their favorite hobby to oppress and kill the holy Ambiya of Allah However, through the incidents of these oppressors, on one hand, their cursed deviation and criminal behaviour is exposed and on the other hand, we also learn a valuable lesson that the chain of Prophethood has now completed, therefore it is utmost necessary for us to remain steadfast in the final message of Allah that is Islam. We must firmly oppose the oppressive behaviour of the Jews and should follow the shining examples and blessed lifestyles of the blessed Ambiya of Allah by observing patience on the hardships and difficulties caused by the unbelievers.