How was The repentance of Sayyiduna Aadam accepted

According to some narrations, he rll.:J1 g;, made supplication in the following words:
Meaning: 0 Allah ! Along with Your glorification, I mention Your purity. Your name brings blessings and Your magnificence is too high and no one is worthy of worship except You. I mistreated my own self and You pardon me as there is no one except You who can forgive sins.
(I’afseer Jamal ‘alal ]alalayn, vol. 1, pp. 63; part 1, Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 37)
In another narration, it is mentioned that he tll:.JI 9.0 invoked the following supplication:
0 our Lord! We have wronged ourselves; so if You do not forgive us and do not have mercy on us, then certainly, we became amongst the losers.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 8, Surah Al-A’raj Ayah 23; Tafseer Jalalayn, pp. 131)
However, Haakim, Tabarani, Abu Nu’aym and Bayhaqi have reported (Marfu’) from Sayyiduna ‘Ali that when Sayyiduna Aadam encountered the displeasure of Allah, he became too anxious for repentance. All of a sudden, in that state of anxiety, he recalled that he had seen Kalma Tayyba) inscribed in the ‘Arsh at the time of his birth and thence realised that no one had been granted such exalted status as Rasool Muhammad in the court of Allah . Allah has written the name of His Beloved Rasool in ‘ Arsh adjoining
His own blessed name. Therefore, whilst supplicating: he
also invoked . Ibn Munzar has reported that the following supplication was also invoked by Sayyiduna Aadam in addition to above one:
Meaning: 0 Allah ! By virtue of the grandeur and the dignity of Your Most Distinguished Rasool Muhammad and by virtue of the high rank
that he holds in Your court, I supplicate You for the forgiveness of my sin.
As soon as this supplication was made, Allah forgave him and accepted
his repentance. (Tafseer Khazaain-ul-‘Irfan, pp. 1094-1095; part 1, Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 37)
Allah has mentioned in the Holy Quran:
Then Aadam learnt certain words from his Lord, so Allah accepted his repentance. Surely, only He is the Greatest Acceptor of repentance, the Most Merciful.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)J (Part 1, Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 37)
From this incident, the following lessons are evident:
1. We have come to know that whilst supplicating, it is permissible to use the reference of the people who are elevated in the court of Allah. Also, this manner of supplicating is a Sunnah of Sayyiduna Aadam –
2. The repentance of Sayyiduna Aadam was accepted on the l()th of Muharram. At the time when he was asked to leave the Paradise, along with cessation of other bounties, he was also made to forget the Arabic language. Instead of this, he was made acquainted with the Suryani language. However, after the acceptance of his repentance, he was blessed with the Arabic language again.
(Tafseer Khazaain-ul-‘Irfan, pp. 1095; part 1, Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 37)
3. As Sayyiduna Aadarn committed a mistake because of his incorrect inference which cannot be considered sin, whoever would consider Sayyiduna Aadam a sinner or a tyrant; he would become an unbeliever (Kafir) because of insulting a Nabi of Allah . Allah is the Owner and the Most Powerful. He may say whatever He likes to His chosen Nabi, Sayyiduna Aadarn . In this, lies his (Aadam’s) respect and reverence. Nobody else holds the right to utter such words that show disrespect for him making use of the Quranic Ayah. Allah has ordered us to observe respect and reverence for Ambiya and to submit ourselves before them. Hence, it is compulsory upon us to show utmost respect and reverence to Sayyiduna Aadam and all other Arnbiya – We can never at all utter such words which even hold a chance of affecting the respect and reverence of Ambiya .