A Brife Story of Jamia Nizamia

A Brife Story of
Jamia Nizamia
Mrs. Parveen Rukhsana Farooqui
Jamia Nizamia is an Islamic University, established purely on the teaching of Prophet Mohamed(PBUH), the everlasting asset of whole Ummah.
Jamia Nizamia is located in Hyderabad; a well known Islamia University Sciences and Spiritual Practices like other Islamic University in different parts of India and in the Muslim world.
Jamia was established during the reign of Asif Jah’s dynasty. Jamia emerged with revolutionary mission in reorganising ethos and insertion of Islamic spirit of Muslim community.
Jamia received word-wide reputation within a short period of time. The foundation of Jamia revealed a great influence on Muslim world and inspired scholars from Bukhara, Afghnistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Baluchistan, Turkistan, Yemen, China, Saudi Arabia and different parts of Muslim world to join this University and benefited with honour. However, it holds credibility with same texture and it’s doors are open.
Highly qualified scholars and preachers have been graduated from Jamia who are engaged in spreading Islam in different parts of world.
Founder :
Sheikh al Islam Arif Billah Hazat-al-Allamah Moulana Hafiz Muhammed Anwarullah Farooqui Fazilat Jung (1264 – 1336 Hijra) – RAH.
Date and Place of Foundation :
Established on the 19th of Dhilhajj 1292 Hijra / 1875 A.D. in Hyderabad, India.
Number of Graduates:
More than 160,000 scholars have been graduated in different capacities of Islamic Sciences, namely: Mufassir(Exegete i.e. Master of Exegesis of The Holy Quraan), Muhaddith (Traditionalist i.e. Master over Tradition-Sayings of Prophet Mohammed /PBUH), Mutakalim (Theologian i.e. Master of Divines studies), Faqih (Jurist i.e. Master over Jurisprudence), Mufti(Jury/ Adjudicator i.e. Master of Issuing Verdicts), Khatib (Orator i.e. Master in Speech), Muballigh (Propagator), Adeeb(Writers i.e. Master of Literature Writing), Hafiz-al-Quraan (The Holy quraan Memorizer), Qari (Reciter i.e. Reciting with Skills).
Faculty of Tafseer (Exgesis)
Faculty of Hadith (Tradition)
Faculty of fiqh (Jurisprudence)
Facutly of Ilm Al Kalaam
Faculty of Khitabat (Oratory)
Faculty of Islamic History
Facutly of Research
Faculty of Editing & Publishing
Faculty of Tahfiz Al Quraan
(Quraan Memorisation)
Faculty of Tajweed (Recitation of Quran with Skills)
Facutly of Logic and philosophy.
Faculty of Specialisation:
The faculty of specialisation is a unique feature of the academic excellence of Jamia, Which undertakes research projects on specific topics and literary subjects. Many foreign students from countries like Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria … are engaged in Pre-doctorate and Doctoral Sciences.
Academic Schedule
Besides Specialisation faculty, the curriculum classical schedule of Jamia covers Primary (Awwal), throgh Secondary, Intermediate, Graduation and Post-Graduate (Maulvi Kamil). The complete course requires a period of 16 years.
Professional Courses
Computer Centre: Jamia Nizamia has a computer centre within the campus to give training to the graduates and post graduates to provide job oriented facilities to the students as technical training uder the supervision of a qualified tutor in order to face the new challenges of the present day.
Research Cell: The Majlis Isha’at Ul Uloom (Research and publication Cell) formed by the founder himself takes upon the publication of books in various Islamic Studies, particularly the books written by the founder Hazrat Moulana Anwarullah Farooqui.
Keeping in view the importance of English language, Jamia has a detailed academic course. The objective is to teach English wich can be of help to scholars and preachers & in propagation of Islam and Islamic Sciences. Further it strengthens in finding suitable jobs.
External Courses:
Jamia has an External Courses Department where professionals train students and counduct examinations for the following courses:
1. Qirat 2.Imamat
3. Muazzin 4. Qazat
A number of boys & girls appear in respective courses of their interest, not only from Hyderabad but also from other states.
Recognition of Jamia’s Degrees
Jamia’s degrees are recognised by University Grants Commission (UGC) in India; and in overseas Ialmic Universities such as Umm Al Qura University (Makkah Al Mukarramah), Madina University (Madina Al Munawwarah), Al Azher University (Egypt), Qatar University (Qatar) and Imam Mohammed Bin Saud University (Riyadh, KSA).
Present Strength
More than 25,000 students are enrolled in Jamia and its affiliated institutions. The total strength of jamia alone is about 1,000 there of, 550 students are residents provided with facilities like boarding, lodging, Medical and books (free of charge).
Other Departments of Jamia:
Dar-ul-Ifta- Legal Verdicts Issuing Dept.:
By the grace of Almighty Allah, the department has issued more than 300,000 legal Verdicts. One Grand Mufti and Two Mufis are appointed to solve the various problems within the frame of Quran and Sunnah. These legal verdicts are recognised in all legal courts of India. There is a special service for despatching verdicrts.
Council of Publications:
This department is quite active in publishing valuable books on numerous topics of Islamic Sciences & research.
Jamia’s library is one of the biggest libraries in Hyderabad. It accommodates more than 100,000 books on different Islamic subjects. In addition, other religious books like Ramayana and Mahabahrta are also available for comparative study. There are unique manuscripts available for referece used by research students.
Oratory Department:
In order to build “powr in speech”, this department trains students to improver their capabilities to orate in public in a commandable manner in Arabic and Urdu on Islam.
Other Remarkable Services of The Founder
of jamia In Educational And Religious Fields:
Fazilut Jung paid yeoman services for the cause of Islam and its propagation. In this context it is worth mentioning that, his far panoramic vision, tireless efforts, spiritual devotion, sacrifices, gave birth to real gems. They are:
Dairat Al Maarif:
This is a great Islamic Research Centre well known in the Muslim world. Not only that – the identity of Hyderabad is because of this Centre in the eyes of scholars around the globe. Thousands of books and manuscripts are available on Islam and Literature. All scholars and researchers serving in this centre were graduated from Jamia. They review, research and publish books and provide information on historical Islamic treasure. It is a centre of reference.
Majlis Ahya Al Maarif Al Numania:
The Numania Research Centre was established by Maulana Abul Wafa Afghani – one of the legends of Jamia. He had collected material and woked on Hanafi School of Thought for research and reference. A number of books were released in Arabic from this centre.
Asifia Central Library:
This is the biggest library of Hyderabad. It has more than one million books on different faculties, subjects, languages, established with the efforts of Fazilut Jung.
It is located in the vicinity of historic mosque called “Makkah Masjid”. Thousands of Huffaz bear the name of this Madrasa and it still functioning with same spirit.
Fazilut Jung felt the requirement of recording marriage documents, hence, established an unique system as a seperate department based on Quran & Sunnah which is governed by Muslim Waqf Board.
Disciples of Fazilut Jung & Luminaries of Jamia:
It would be a long list if taken into account, so few personalities are enlisted:
1. King Mir Mahboob Ali Khan, Nizam the VIth
2. King Mir Osman Ali Khan, Nizam the VIIth
3. Maulana Abdul Razzaq, founder of Anwar-ul-Uloom College, Hyd.
4. Maulan Abul Wafa Afghani, founder of Idarah Ahya-al
5. Maulana Abdullah Shah Saheb, Mohaddith-e-Deccan
6. Moulana Syed Ibrahim Razvi, Adeeb, Ex-Head of Arabic Department,
Osmania University, Hyd.
7. Maulana Mufti Maqdum Baig.
8. Maulana Mufti Ruknuddeen.
9. Maulana Mufti Mohammed Raheemuddin
10. Maulana Maqdum Hussaini
11. Maulana Badeshah Hussaini (renowned Muffasir of Tafsir-e-Hussaini)
12. Maulana Hakim Abul Fida
13. Maulana Habeeb Abdullah Al Madihij
14. Maulana Abul Qasim Syed Shah Muhammed Shuttari.
15. Maulana abdul Wahid Owaisi, Fqr-e-Millat.
Present Personalities / Graduates of Jamia:
As pointed out earlier, there were 160,000 scholars graduated from Jamia, are segregated around the globe. However, we mention here only a few of them due to lack of space:
1. Prof. Maulana Dr. Hamidullah, a renowned Islamic thinker, Jurist, Exegete, Writer, who has command over many languages, now residing in France. His contribution to Islam includes the translation of Quraan in French, and has written several books to counter-act the fiction presented against Islam by the European authors. His on-going services in propagation helped thousands to embrace Islam – Al Hamdu Lillah.
2. Maulana Noorullah Qadri, who has devoted his life in spreading Islam, has written hundres of books on various Islamic topics in Urdu, Telugu and Arabic. He is a well-known personality of Karnool, A.P.
3. Maulana Dr. Jafar Mohiuddin Qadri, Chicago, USA.
4. Prof. Syed Ataullah Hussaini, Karachi, Pakistan
5. Maulana Habeeb Ullah Qadri Rasheed Pasha, Jalatul Ilm, Ex-Vice Chancellor of Jamia.
6. Maulana Syed Taher Razvi, Sadr-al-Shuyuuk Jamia.
7. Maulana Mufti Khalil Ahmed, Sheikh-al-Jamia
8. Maulana Mufti Mohammed Azimuddin
9. Maulana Mohammed Khaja Sherif, Sheikh-al-Hadeeth Jamia
10. Maulana Abdullah Al-Azhari, Khateeb of Makkah Masjid
11. Prof. Sultan Mohiuddin, Ex-Head of Arabic Departmen, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
12. Maulana Mufti Ibrahim Khalil Hashmi, Sheikh-al-Fiqh, Jamia
13. Maulana Waliullah, Shiekh-al-Maqulat, Jamia
Non-Muslim Luminaries:
It is very interesting to know that there are many non-muslims who obtained the degree of Munshi Fazil (Bachelor’s degree) from Jamia, namely Dr. Ram Krishna Rao, former Chief Minister and Dr. M. Baga Reddy, M.P.
Source of Income & Expenses:
Jamia’s monthly expenses are not less than Rs. 500,000.- Neither it receives any financial aid from the Government nor from foreign countries. This is the grace of Almighty Allah, that Jamia is running with donations given by generous people in shape of cash, alms, skin of sacrificed animals (chirm-e-qurbani), and the rents from Jamia’s trust property. Indeed, it is Almighty’s blessings, which kept Jamia functioning in its normal manner and still flourishing.
Fazilat Jung devoted his life in the service of Islam and Humanity, which cannot be forgotten in any age by the citizens of Deccan for generations to come. He did his level best to eradicate the innovations in Islam influenced by the obsolete traditions, culture, and rituals innovated among Muslim sects.
It is a great pride and pleasure for every Muslim that Fazilut jung’s efforts, devotion, sacrifice, services, brought fruits in the form of Ulema, Adeeb, Mufti, Mufasir, Huffaz … So, let us join our hands in strenghtening Jamia by contrigiting our best possible resources to understand Islam, Human values, Islamic culture and mark.