Angels visited as guests

Due to the abovementioned three attitudes of the guests, a doubt evoked in the mind of Sayyiduna Ibraheem that perhaps these people are my enemy because it was a custom in those days that an enemy would not eat or drink anything from the enemy’s home. So, fear of Sayyiduna Ibraheem was rational. Upon noticing this, Sayyiduna Jibra’eel said, ‘O Nabi of Allah! Do not fear of us at all. We are the angels sent by Allah and have come for two reasons. Our first purpose is to inform you of the glad tidings that Allah will bless you with a son possessing knowledge, and our second purpose of visit is that we have come to bring torment for the people of Loot.’
Upon hearing the glad tidings of a baby boy, the blessed wife of Sayyiduna Ibraheem, Sayyidatuna Saarah startled because her age was ninety-nine years and she had never become pregnant either. She anxiously came shouting whilst hitting her forehead and exclaimed, ‘Will an
infertile old woman like me bear a son?’ Sayyiduna Jibra’eel replied, ‘Yes, this is the commandment of your Rab and He bears all wisdom and knowledge.’ Subsequently, Sayyiduna Ishaaq was born.
(Iafseer Khaza ‘in-ul-‘Irfan, pp. 938, summarized; part 26, Surah Az-Zariyaat, Ayah 24-29)
The Holy Quran has described this event in the following words:
Did the news of Ibraheem’s honourable guests reach you (0 Beloved)? When they came to him ( and) said, ‘Salam.’ He answered, ‘Salam.’ And thought, ‘These people are strangers.’ Then he went to his home, so he brought a healthy (roasted) calf. He then presented it before them (and) said, ‘Do you not eat?’ So he inwardly began fearing them. They said, ‘Do not fear.’ And they gave him the glad tidings of a knowledgeable son. His wife came screaming then struck her Jo rehead and said, ‘What! An old barren woman (will give birth to a child)?’ They said (to the wife of Ibraheem), ‘This is how your Lord has commanded. Indeed only He is The Wise, The All-Knowing.’
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)J (Part 2 6, Surah Az-Zariyaat, Ayah 24-30)
We get a lesson from this event that the angels occasionally come to people in the form of human beings. Therefore, it has been mentioned in some narrations that on the occasion of Hajj, some groups of angels are sent in the form of human beings in various disguises at the Holy Ka’bah, Mina, ‘Arafat, Muzdalifah, etc. by Allah for trial of the pilgrims. Therefore, it is essential for the pilgrims to remain cautious in the crowds at Makka-tulMukarramah, Mina, ‘Arafat, Muzdalifah, Tawaf of the Ka’bah and Madinatul-Munawwarah and should make sure that they do not cause any sort of disrespect or offence to anybody and avoid quarrel or dispute with any tradesman, porter or beggar. You do not know whether the opponent is a human or an angel in the form of a human who is testing your forbearance and patience by pushing and scolding you. This is such a thing which people are generally unaware of. That’s why they fight and quarrel with people on every step during their pilgrimage of Hajj, and sometimes, they suffer a great loss and harm in the worldly life and the afterlife.
Therefore, the most suitable method to avoid such a big loss is to keep a fear from everyone that perhaps he might be an angel who is in the guise of a tradesman, beggar or a labourer. Remain soft and polite when talking and dealing with anybody. Try your utmost best to keep everybody pleased and never cause a situation that may result in rough talk or rude words, as safety lies in this.