Supplication by the DIVINE THRONE BEARERS

The angels who are bearers of the Divine Throne hold the highest rank among the angels. They have four wings on each of their arms and two wings on their face by which they hide their eyes. As regards to the fear of Allah , these angels have more fear of Allah than the angels of the seventh sky, and the angels of the seventh sky are greater in their fear of Allah as compared to the angels of the sixth sky.
In the same manner, the angels of the sixth sky fear more than the angels of the fifth sky, the angels of the fifth sky fear more than the angels of the fourth sky, the angels of the fourth sky fear more than the angels of the third sky, the angels of the third sky fear more than the angels of the second sky and the angels of the second sky fear more than the angels of the first sky. Then comes the number of the angels who stay around the Throne of Allah , who are called Karubiyyeen . They are the leaders of the rest of the angels and are very majestic.
It has been reported that there are seventy thousand rows of the angels surrounding the Divine Throne. Each row is one behind the other and all these angels perform Tawaf (circumambulation) of the Throne. Then after all of them, there is a row of seventy thousand angels who continuously praise and glorify Allah whilst placing their hands on their shoulders. After them there are another one hundred rows of the angels who are busy praising, glorifying and supplicating whilst placing their right hand over the left hand. (Iafseer As-Saawi, vol. 5, pp. 1815; part 24, Surah Al-Mu min, Ayah 7)
What is the supplication of all the angels? Let’s see it in the following words of the Holy Quran. Allah says:
Those (angels) who carry the Throne, and those who are around it, proclaim the Purity of their Lord while praising Him, and they believe in Him and seek forgiveness for the believers. ‘O our Lord! Everything is encompassed by Your Mercy and knowledge, therefore forgive those who repented and followed Your Path, and save them from the punishment of Hell. 0 our Lord! And admit them into the Gardens of dwelling which you have promised them, and (as well as) those who are virtuous amongst their forefathers and their wives and their offspring. Indeed only You are The Most Honourable, The Wise.’
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 24, Surah Al-Mu ‘min, Ayah 7-8)
Moral: You have come to know about the supplication of the angels who are bearers of the Divine Throne and of those who perform Tawaf of the Throne of Allah . All these holy angels continuously pray in favour of us – the Muslims, our parents, our wives and for our children for salvation from the hellfire and for entry into the Paradise.
How great and magnificent favour of the Holy Rasool it is unto us – the Muslims, that by virtue of him, we the Muslims have acquired such a high rank and distinct status that countless number of esteemed angels supplicate for us, the sinful. And how esteemed angels! Those who are bearers of the Throne of Allah and those who are busy in Tawaf of the Divine Throne!
This all is by virtue of our affiliation with the most Beloved Rasool Muhammad that has made so lowly people like us worthy of the supplications of the highly ranked angels. ‘ so let’s invoke Salat once with utmost devotion in the court of the Rasool of mankind, the Peace of our heart and mind, the most Generous and Kind .
In the same manner, the angels of the sixth sky fear more than the angels of the fifth sky, the angels of the fifth sky fear more than the angels of the fourth sky, the angels of the fourth sky fear more than the angels of the third sky, the angels of the third sky fear more than the angels of the second sky and the angels of the second sky fear more than the angels of the first sky. Then comes the number of the angels who stay around the Throne of Allah , who are called Karubiyyeen . They are the leaders of the rest of the angels and are very majestic.
It has been reported that there are seventy thousand rows of the angels surrounding the Divine Throne. Each row is one behind the other and all these angels perform Tawaf (circumambulation) of the Throne. Then after all of them, there is a row of seventy thousand angels who continuously praise and glorify Allah whilst placing their hands on their shoulders. After them there are another one hundred rows of the angels who are busy praising, glorifying and supplicating whilst placing their right hand over the left hand. (Iafseer As-Saawi, vol. 5, pp. 1815; part 24, Surah Al-Mu min, Ayah 7)
What is the supplication of all the angels? Let’s see it in the following words of the Holy Quran. Allah says:
Those (angels) who carry the Throne, and those who are around it, proclaim the Purity of their Lord while praising Him, and they believe in Him and seek forgiveness for the believers. ‘O our Lord! Everything is encompassed by Your Mercy and knowledge, therefore forgive those who repented and followed Your Path, and save them from the punishment of Hell. 0 our Lord! And admit them into the Gardens of dwelling which you have promised them, and (as well as) those who are virtuous amongst their forefathers and their wives and their offspring. Indeed only You are The Most Honourable, The Wise.’
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 24, Surah Al-Mu ‘min, Ayah 7-8)
Moral: You have come to know about the supplication of the angels who are bearers of the Divine Throne and of those who perform Tawaf of the Throne of Allah . All these holy angels continuously pray in favour of us – the Muslims, our parents, our wives and for our children for salvation from the hellfire and for entry into the Paradise.
How great and magnificent favour of the Holy Rasool it is unto us – the Muslims, that by virtue of him, we the Muslims have acquired such a high rank and distinct status that countless number of esteemed angels supplicate for us, the sinful. And how esteemed angels! Those who are bearers of the Throne of Allah and those who are busy in Tawaf of the Divine Throne!
This all is by virtue of our affiliation with the most Beloved Rasool Muhammad that has made so lowly people like us worthy of the supplications of the highly ranked angels. ‘ so let’s invoke Salat once with utmost devotion in the court of the Rasool of mankind, the Peace of our heart and mind, the most Generous and Kind .