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Year: 2019


Remedy of a doubt

Those who do not believe in miracles judge everything using their imperfect intellect. They deny the miracle of emergence of…

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The second miracle

In the plains of Teeh, it was the same stone that Sayyiduna Musa tll.:J1 􀀁 struck with his blessed staff…

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It was a square stone measuring one arm-length on both sides [approx. 1.5 by 1.5 ft.]. Sayyiduna Musa t1:J1 4-…

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Stroke of staff split the Niles

Sayyiduna Musa tll!J1 4;; preached pharaoh for a long time and showed him heavenly signs and miracles. However, he did…

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Springs emerged by virtue of staff’s stroke

Syria was the native country of Israelites (the Bani Israel) – but these people settled in Egypt during the reign…

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Staff became a serpent

Once pharaoh arranged a huge carnival and gathered all of the magicians of his kingdom in order to defeat Sayyiduna…

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Heavenly staff

It was the holy staff of Sayyiduna Musa tll:J1 9″ which is commonly known as ‘Asaa-e-Musa’. Several miracles exhibited by…

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Way was it written? And What Was written?

In Rabi’-ul-Awwal 1400 AH, some reverend Islamic scholars of Ahl-e-Sunnat expressed their desire entailing a request that I should write…

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غرائب القرآن کے ماخذو مراجع

     کتاب کانام مصنف کے نام مطبوعہ تفسیر معالم التنزیل للبغوی علامہ ابومحمد حسین بن مسعود دار الکتب العلمیۃ…

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عجائب القرآن کے ماخذو مراجع

   کتاب کا نام مصنف کا نام     مطبوعہ قرآن مجید کلام باری تعالیٰ ضیاء القرآن پبلی کیشنزلاہور   …

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