Significance of Surah Ar-Rahmaan

Nabi Muhammad ﷺ, once stood before his Companions and recited Surah Rahmaan from the beginning to the end. All kept silent. He ﷺ then said: I recited this Chapter to the Jinn, and they provided the best response. As whenever I pass by this verse “So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?” they replied: O our Lord, none of Your favour we deny, all praise is due to You. (Sunan Tirmidhi: 3291 … Mishkaat: 861)
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“Everything has a bride and the bride of the Qur’an is Surah Ar-Rahmaan.(Shu’abul Imaan Baihaqi: 2265 … Mishkaat: 2180 … Tafseer Durr Mansoor: 7/690)
Translation of Surah Ar-Rahmaan
1. The Most Compassionate (is He),
2. Who (Himself) taught the Qur’an (to the Nabi Muhammad).
3. He is the One Who created (this Absolutely Perfect) man.
4. He alone taught him the art of expression and communication.
5. The sun and the moon are rotating according to the configuration determined (by Him).
6. And the herbs spread over the earth, and all (species of) the trees prostrate themselves (to Him alone).
7. And He is the One Who has maintained the sky raised high and (He is the One) Who has set up the balance (for justice),
8. So that you violate not the balance whilst weighing.
9. And keep weighing justly and do not make the balance fall short.
10. He is the One Who has spread out the earth for the creatures.
11. There are fruits in it and blossom-bearing date-palms,
12. And chaff-covered grain and fragrant (fruits and) blooms.
13. So, (O assembly of jinn and men,) which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny?
14. He is the One Who created man from a dry mud sounding like earthenware,
15. And created the jinn from a flame of fire.
16. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
17. (He alone is) the Lord of the two easts and (He alone is) the Lord of the two wests.
18. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
19. He is the One Who has made the two seas flow that join each other;
20. There is a barrier between them; they cannot breach (their respective) limits.
21. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
22. The pearls (shading green) and corals (shading red) come forth from both (the seas).
23. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
24. And (under) His (control) are (also) the big vessels with lofty sails raised high (anchoring or sailing) in the sea like mountains.
25. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
26. Whoever is on the earth will perish.
27. And the essence of your Lord, Who is the Master of glory and splendour and the Master of bounty and honour, will remain.
28. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
29. All that are in the heavens and the earth beg from Him alone. Every moment His Glory manifests anew.
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30. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
31. O both the groups (of men and jinn), soon shall We attend to your account.
32. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
33. O company of the jinn and men! If you have the power to go across the boundaries of the heaven and the earth (and overpower the universe), then go ahead. Whichever station (i.e., heavenly sphere) you will go to, there too will be His Kingdom alone.
34. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
35. The flames of pure (i.e., smokeless) fire will be sent upon both of you and (flameless) smoke (too will be sent) and you both will be unable to escape from them.
36. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
37. And when the heavens will split apart and will become rosy like burnt oil (or red leather),
38. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
39. That Day no man or jinn will be asked about his sin.
40. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
41. The evildoers will be recognized by the darkness of their faces and so they will be pulled, seized by their forelocks and feet.
42. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
43. (It will be said to them:) ‘It is this Hell which the evildoers used to deny.’
44. They will move about in that (Hell) and in the boiling hot water.
45. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
46. And whoever fears standing before his Lord (for meeting), for him are two Gardens.
47. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
48. They are (green and fresh Gardens) with deep thick branches.
49. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
50. Two springs are flowing in both of them.
51. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
52. In them are two kinds of every fruit.
53. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
54. The residents of Paradise will be reclining on couches lined with fine and thick brocade (i.e., satin) and the fruits of both the Gardens will be hanging low (over them).
55. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
56. And in them will be (chaste maidens) with downcast gazes, untouched either by any man or jinn.
57. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
58. As if they (chaste maidens) were rubies and pearls.
59. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
60. The reward of good cannot be anything but good.
61. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
62. And apart from these two there are also two more gardens (for them).
63. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
64. Both appear deep green tinting black.
65. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
66. There are two springs which will be gushing with force in these two (as well).
67. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
68. In both of them there are also fruits, date-palms and pomegranates.
69. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
70. In them are pious and beautiful (chaste maidens as well).
71. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
72. The maidens who are veiling, confined in tents.
73. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
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74. Untouched before either by any man or jinn.
75. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
76. (The residents of Paradise) will be (sitting) reclining on cushions over green carpets and rare and exquisite, fine rugs.
77. So which of your Lord’s blessings will you both deny?
78. Most Blessed is the Name of your Lord, the Master of glory and splendour and the Master of bounty and honour.