Then made him a drop of fluid in a strong resting place. We then turned the drop of fluid into a clot of blood, then the clot of blood into a lump of flesh, then the lump of flesh into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, then developed it into an another form. So Allah is The Most Auspicious, The Best Creator.
[Kanz-ul-Iman (Translation of Quran)] (Part 18, Surah Al-Mu’minoon, Ayah 13-14)
What is the wisdom and strategy of Allah in forming different stages of human creation? A complete understanding of all these Divine secrets is beyond the scope of the ordinary human beings. However, there are several moral lessons in it for everybody. One must not be negligent of his lowly origin and about the fact that Allah developed him into such a beautiful being. After contemplating about his creation, a man should always hold a strong belief in the omnipotence of Allah and should never let arrogance and self-importance creep up in his heart. Realizing that he has been created from a drop of semen, one should always adopt humility and should lead a life of simplicity. By virtue of such contemplation, one should strongly believe in the Day of Judgment considering that the One Who has made him a human from a drop of semen definitely has the power to resurrect him and hold him accountable for his righteous and sinful deeds.